Every 6 months we recommend to change oil your unit
The 1st change oil be free.
But how to do change oil?
1.Go tat the back of your unit and look oil your unit.
You will see this.
2. In upper part you will see this.
Remove using tools and rotate counter clockwise.
3.Then prepare plastic cup for old oil. Then in lower part you will see this.
Remove using tools and rotate counter clockwise.
Before removing ready the plastic cup so the oil will not spill in the floor.
4.Wait 3 to 5 mins for the oil to go out, then put back the bolt.
Tight not so tight, just alittle pressure.
5.Now put the gear oil in the upper whole where you remove the size 12 nut.
6.Put back the bolt and all done.
7.If you can't do it feel free to call the branch or bring your ebike to the nearest branch.