As a companycontinuously expanding there are times when authorized dealer has expanded the coverage of their installment basis customers, unexpectedly there are customers who are unable to pay their unpaid balance to our authorized dealers.
That is why our company takes steps to prevent or reduce it. The Public Relations Department of NWOW Intl. conducted online training with all authorized dealers to explain or give ideas to each branch on how they can handle it properly and alleviate problems in the future. A poor accounts manual procedure instalments basis undertaken in every branch with the PR Department on June 18 and 19, 2022.Public Relation Department detailing some possible approaches and legal processes to lessen the amount of delayed monthly payments for each branch. The PR department also responds to some of the branch's concerns about their varied branch experiences. This will be the first step toward each branch being more cautious and wise when approving an instalment account.
The company's aim for this is to prevent the increase in the percentage of bad accounts of each authorized dealer of NWOW Int'l so that every employee trained in handling such incidents at every dealers.